Friday, December 7, 2007

Flying today (hopefully)

I get to fly today at 1600 hopefully. I was excited all day long yesterday about flying but didn't get to. Today I get to fly so I'm getting pumped but I'm staying calm. I will be real calm until about 1530 when I leave work to go fly. It's going to be cool. I don't know what to even expect. I know the Cessna 172 is kind of small. I will also be flying on a 1974 model airplane. It should be an interesting experience. I'm not worried about the age because I worked on B-52H's for 6 years while in the Air Force and not one ever crashed while I was there. I will attach a video that shows one crashing on this blog but it was because the pilot was a "hot dogger" and was trying to show off. He did some amazing things in the B-52 but it ended up backfiring on him in the long run.

He had a whole crew of 0-6's, full bird colonels, and they all heard how he flew. No one wanted to be on his crew because he was so dangerous. They all paid the ultimate price for stupidity. I would have never gotten in the plane with the guy.

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